What is Additional Living Expense Coverage on a Home Insurance Policy

When a disaster strikes your home, such as a fire, tornado, or any other incident covered in your policy, we at Blue Hen Insurance LLC in Middletown, DE, understand that there is much more to consider than merely restoring your home.

During the period of displacement following an unthinkable event, extra expenses can arise as you navigate life after a catastrophe. These unexpected expenses can further exacerbate an already stressful situation, which is why your homeowner policy typically comes with additional living expense (ALE) coverage.

What is ALE Coverage?

Additional Living Expense (ALE) coverage is a facet of loss of use coverage included in your homeowner’s policy. It offers the assistance you require to shoulder the additional cost you experience due to being displaced from your home. It’s usually a set amount, typically 20% of your home insurance coverage, and has a time limit for the use of coverage, usually 12-24 months.

ALE factors in the living expenses you pay above your ordinary everyday expenditures to live comfortably while your home undergoes repairs. While ALE doesn’t cover your belongings, here are some scenarios for which you can expect ALE to cover under your homeowner policy.

  • Temporary living conditions: ALE can assist with the cost of hotel stays, apartments, rental homes, travel trailers, or mobile homes.
  • Food Costs: ALE can cover meals when you’re staying in a hotel and have no kitchen access.
  • Other additional living costs: Typically, ALE pays for extra costs while you are displaced from your home, such as moving costs, storage rental, laundry expenses, extra utility costs, furniture rental, transportation costs, replacement clothes, and pet boarding costs.

Retain all receipts for these expenses and thoroughly document them for swift reimbursement. Also, remember your ALE limits, which allow you to budget wisely while awaiting the restoration of your home after a calamity.

For more information

If you have concerns or questions regarding your home insurance policy or desire to know more about ALE coverage, Blue Hen Insurance LLC in Middletown, DE, is here to help. Call us at (302) 696-2242.